Huntsville Ski Club (HSC) is organized as a 501(c)(7), not-for-profit corporation and has a general membership of approximately 300 to 400 members with the organization lead and managed by a twelve member Board of Directors. The general public is welcome.
The Board
The Board of Directors (BOD), “The Board”, is the administrative arm of the club, and is comprised of 12 "functionally focused" members elected by the general membership to serve one-year terms. The Board positions are:
President Vice President Secretary Treasurer
Ski Trips Director Membership Director Social Director Special Events Director
Training Director Newsletter Editor Publicity Director Historian
Elections are finalized during the March general membership meeting. A Nominatrion Committee is formed to conduct a search for potential nominees during December of the preceeding year and Nomineetee are presented to the general membership during the February general membership meeting. Electronic web based voting is presented to the membership and closes prior to the 'in-person' vote held during the March meeting. Any member in good standing may run for a Board seat. Most years new members are elected to the Board, which brings fresh ideas and new energy to the group.
The primary function of the Board is to organize, approve and manage the club's activities. The process can be ‘ad-hoc’ for most events; however, the annual ski trips schedule starts in March of the previous calendar year with the development of a trip leader driven trip proposals and tentative trip dates. The initial trip line up is based on the Ski Trips Directors trip experiences, some skier input and personal surveys. Approximately 30-40 percent of our members take advantage of our ski trips in any given year.
After initial coordination by the Ski Trips Director, the schedule and the trips are planned in detail by Trip Leaders, who plan the trip and work with brokers. After the trip details are finished by the Trip Leaders, the Board officializes the trip with approval of the trip selection, usually in late May or early June with presentation to the general membership in July. Some Board of Directors lead a trip, but most Trip Leaders are drawn from our volunteers, who are experienced travelers and organizers. Learn how you can become a trip leader. Final arrangements continue throughout the summer and into the fall.
Routine Activities
The Board of Directors is responsible for related club activities. These include:
Organizing meetings,
Providing food and beverages,
Maintaining records,
Developing programs,
Reserving meeting rooms,
Welcoming new members,
Publishing The Flakey News
Managing the budget,
Publicizing club activities,
Promoting the Crescent Ski Council
Participating in NASTAR racing
And, develop community awareness
The BOD currently manages a budget of approximately $275,000, but the Board of Directors are just a few of the many volunteers that make the Huntsville Ski Club one of the best social clubs east of the Mississippi River.
The Huntsville Ski Club is a member club of the Crescent Ski Council (CSC)...
The CSC is an organization made up of 22 ski clubs with 5000 members throughout the southeastern United States. Membership has its privileges as each club's trips are available to all HSC members, at no extra cost. The CSC associate clubs run 100's of trips each year---including a Western Carnival and a Euro Fest...